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in the support offered to individuals and families living with chronic illness.

A One of a Kind Program Breaking New Ground

"Going home isn’t the end of your Ronald McDonald House journey. As part of our ongoing commitment to family centred care we now offer at home support for our families after they leave our House through the “When Life Gives you Lemons” Program." 

Found it difficult to maintain healthy relationships with your loved ones while also dealing with the demands of chronic illness.

kept your worries to yourself or shut-off completely

Had to put your own needs, dreams and goals on hold to care for someone else with a chronic illness.

deprioritised your dreams and goals

Tired of feeling like you're navigating challenges alone & no-one truly understand the difficulties you face on a daily basis.

isolated like no-one understands

Struggled to find effective coping mechanisms for the physical and emotional challenges of living with a chronic illness.

felt overwhelmed and under equipped


Over the years we've learned that with the right tools and support we can transform life's lemons into lemonade.  

when life gives you lemons

That's why we're proud to introduce "When Life Gives You Lemons" - a ten week program designed for individuals and families who are navigating the complexities of living with chronic illness.

As a family living with chronic illness we understand first-hand the challenges and non-medical burdens that come with navigating chronic illness.  It can feel like you're fighting an uphill battle - not just with managing the condition, but also the daily stresses that come with it for the entire family. 

We are Elaine-Sarah, Mark, Jacob & Poppy

about us

Join the waitlist for a fully funded place on our program.

We have a growing selection of generous sponsors who are as passionate about supporting those living with chronic illness as we are!  If you would like to be notified when a funded place becomes available just join our waitlist.

    Our program recognises that chronic illness affects each member of your family and loved ones differently. And for the best possible quality of life EVERYONES needs need to be considered, valued and supported.  Yes, it can be a balancing-act but it's possible and not as hard as you might think!

    We have lived with chronic illness since we met!  mark has become a full-time carer. Elaine-sarah, jacob and poppy have been living with chronic illness all their lives.

    Wondering what makes us the right support for you?

    Join our program and feel the difference of being surrounded by people who truly understand your story.  Plus, we know (like us) you don't have a huge amount of spare time!  But not to worry - we've designed the program so it can be done at YOUR OWN PACE taking about 30 minutes per day.

    including support from the most welcoming community, ALL OF WHOM know what it's like to be in your shoes.

    Ten-weeks experiencing life-changing tools and techniques that will dramatically improve your and your families quality of life.

    It recognizes that chronic illness affects the entire family, and provides a range of practical tools and resources to help loved ones cope and adjust.

    Above all, we're passionate about creating a community that's welcoming, supportive, and non-judgmental. 




    It's created by individuals who have firsthand experience living with chronic illness, meaning we truly understand the challenges you face.

    We prioritize emotional well-being and provide personalized support and guidance to help you navigate complex emotions and challenges.




    Here are a few reasons why we are very different!

    We know, you might have tried other support programs before this. So why would this one be any different?

    "This program is just what I needed as a carer of 13 years to stop reflect and process my journey to date. It has served as a much needed reminder of how far we have come but also the need to take more time to sit with grief and also take time for ourselves. This program has really benefitted me and in turn my whole family"

    sinead monaghan

    Our program empowers you with the skills to set boundaries, communicate effectively, prioritize self-care, build resilience, handle unwanted external pressures, and deal with medical professionals like a boss. Imagine feeling strong and capable of handling whatever comes your way. With the "When Life Gives You Lemons" program, you'll be equipped to face any challenge head-on.

    The When Life Gives you Lemons Experience

    what are the benefits of joining

    We kick-off with a transformative experience where we share with you the tools and techniques that our family relies on every single day to overcome challenges and make the most of our unique circumstances.

    Access to Practical Tools

    we ease you into it

    We have cherry picked the experiences that had the most positive impact on our family and that demonstrably improved our quality of life.  We bring you on a journey each day that will give you new perspectives, understanding and ways to think and do things differently.

    These Changed Our Lives 

    a structured activity each day

    We kick off by getting clear on what is you want to change and why.

    day 2 - Letting go

    day 4 - its a marathon not a sprint

    You're carrying alot and even more than you realise - discover how to let go with ease.

    Today you get to break the rules!  And create new ones more fitted to how you want to live your life.

    Resilience and knowing how cultivating it - this is a game changer for living with chronic illness.

     day 1 - Sick & Tired

     day 3 - stereotypes & rules

     day 5 - drowning out the noise

    day 6 - limiting beliefs

    Ooooh all those unwanted opinions, the advice you don't need.  Today we drown out all the noise.

    How are your beliefs holding you back and stopping you from moving forward with confidence.

     day 7 - from inner critic to cheerleader

    day 8 - Your F*ck it list

    One of our favourite activities and a life line when you're beating yourself up ...... again!

    Another confidence and absolute energy booster for when only the F-word will do.

     day 9 - Communication #1

    day 10 - Communication #2

    How do you talk to yourself?  What triggers you? What's  your inner dialogue like?

    And what can you do to improve communication between you and your loved ones?

     day 11 - Setting boundaries

    day 12 - pace don't race

    Discover how to protect you and your loved ones personal space, time, and energy.

    Master the art of pacing yourself and prioritising your self-care.

     day 13 - asking for help

    day 14 - exploring grief & embracing change

    You don't have to face this journey alone.  Discover the incredible strength in reaching out.

    Grief is a natural response to loss of time, freedom, goals & dreams but with loss also comes gain.

    That means if you want to join us with your partner, family member(s) or carer then you pay one inclusive fee for all of you (whether that be for the two-week program or the community)!

    so unlike other programs our pricing is per home rather than per person.

    It's very important to us that whomever needs our service has access to it and your financial situation should not be a barrier.

    Funding for the program is also available for families associated with Ronald McDonald Housing Charities and we plan to bring on additional funding partners for families that need that bit of financial support so please feel free to reach out to find out more about funding opportunities.

    This is the price per home for the ten-week When Life Gives Your Lemons program. 


    standard price

    If you have a Ronald McDonald House Charities Gift Voucher please sign-up here instead.

    i have a rmhc voucher

    Join the waitlist for a fully funded place on our program.

    We have a growing selection of generous sponsors who are as passionate about supporting those living with chronic illness as we are! If you would like to be notified when a funded place becomes available just join our waitlist.